Thursday, September 14, 2017



Here at Wordmonger I’ve had a fine time celebrating dog idioms, dish idioms, walking idioms, skin idioms, & idioms made from the words in the title of John Green’s novel, The Fault in Our Stars. This week it’s time for idioms based around the word fish, a word that takes up nearly three full pages of the Oxford English Dictionary.

Big fish in a small pond is a figure of speech started in America in the early 1880s. Many people prefer being the big fish in a small pond, although escaping into the larger sea can have its advantages.

Though Chaucer included the term “a fish that is waterless” in Canterbury Tales in the late 1300s, the first time the term a fish out of water appeared in print seems to be three centuries later. You might say it’s the rare bird who enjoys feeling like a fish out of water, though I have appreciated that situation many times – a year in American Samoa as one of the few palagi on the island, a couple of years as the only Anglo in the Cal State Northridge Pan African Studies Gospel Choir, the list goes on…

There is, of course, the possibility that the fish in the water think of the fish out of water as queer fish, a British idiom that appeared in 1919, applied to anyone who might appear odd or eccentric.

Etymologists argue about the origins of fine kettle of fish (& its sibling, pretty kettle of fish). Some are moderately certain the idiom was born of a Scottish term kettle of fish, which referred to a picnic of sorts, in which the local landholder invited his minions to enjoy a day off work. This event called for the minions to light a fire on the riverbank, suspend a giant kettle over it, catch fresh fish, cook them in the kettle, and serve them to the visiting nobles. No one is certain how the theoretically positive experience could have collected a negative connotation, but I do wonder about those “lucky” minions who were invited to do all the work. Other etymologists suggest a pretty kettle of fish may have originated as a pretty kiddle of fish. Kiddle was a word used to refer to nets thrown across a river to catch the fish. Perhaps when the catch was particularly successful (or pretty), hauling in a bunch of flapping, unhappy fish made a bit of a mess? The jury is out & sparring etymologists continue to duke it out.

In 1660, John Evelyn first penned the idiom bigger fish to fry, which may be the sort of thing that leads a big fish in a small pond to venture into the larger sea, where he may feel like a queer fish, or a fish out of water, or might discover that life out of his little pond is a pretty kettle of fish.

What other fish idioms can you add to the list? Please leave a comment suggesting an idiom or two.

Big thanks to this week’s sources: the OED, Etymonline. Barron’s Handbook of Commonly Used American Idioms, Literary Exchange,,, The, Wise Geek,, & Wordnik  (I've reprieved this post from 2015)


  1. A big kettle of boiled fish? I think I like the kittle idea better. All sounds pretty fishy to me...:-)

    1. Thanks for coming by, & it all is fishy, indeed.

  2. I love your last paragraph. Well done! I've never heard the term "queer fish", but it connotes some pretty funny images, like fish in top hats and tails strolling through the streets of London.

    I just realized we will never see another Paul comment here. Ah well...

    1. Hey Christine -- I suppose we'll have to imagine all future Paul comments. I imagine this week he might have proudly signed off as a queer fish.

  3. Thanks for a fun post! As writers, it's good to be capable of telling fish stories. But even when the writing is not going well, it's best to avoid drinking like a fish. After all, if we can't think straight in the first place, that's a time when we need alcohol like a fish needs a bicycle.

    1. Caroline -- Excellent! Thanks for the extra fish idioms!

  4. There are plenty of (or other) fish in the sea.

    1. Hey Ben - There are, indeed, plenty more fish in the sea -- a fine idiom I missed. Here's hoping whatever fish you've recently reeled in are good ones.
